
How To Make Great Pizza

This Homemade Traditional Italian Pizza Dough Recipe, is the only Pizza Recipe y'all will ever need. Go far by manus or in your stand up mixer. No need for accept out, it will make your pizza night fifty-fifty more special. Whatsoever topping goes!

3 pizza dough balls on parchment paper.

This Pizza Dough can be made the same mean solar day or left to rising overnight in the fridge. Perfect either mode. Brand a typical Pizza Margherita or a popular Pizza Bianca.

Authentic Italian Pizza never tasted so proficient. Everything you need to know to brand this your family's new favourite Pizza Recipe. In your house what twenty-four hours is pizza day? If yous are similar the states information technology could mean whatsoever day. Sometimes Fri or maybe even Sat but last calendar week it was Sunday!

This time I made 3 different types of Pizza, all easy and all delicious. I started with my daughter'due south favourite.

Pizza Margherita to my favourite Italian Sausage and Artichoke Cheese Pizza to one of the Italian's Grilled Zucchini Pizza. Just if yous want to try something dissimilar why not give this Murphy Pizza a effort?

In Italy it is and so easy to become a good pizza dough. Sometimes I would terminate at my local bakery (forno) and pick up a pound or 2 of dough. But when I tasted a pizza made with this dough, I thought no matter how good the bakery dough was, it was at present a affair of the by for me. That pizza made me determined to make my own pizza dough from so on.

Needless to say this pizza dough was one of those recipes that was passed downwardly for I can't tell you how many years. And trust me it is the best Pizza Dough. You tin can brand it thin chaff or thick crust whatsoever suits you, and then you can height it with any fresh ingredients you want.

How to make information technology

  • In the basin of your stand up mixer (or a large bowl if you knead by manus) add together the water & sugar, sprinkle the yeast on elevation, let sit down for five-10 minutes, then stir to combine.
  • Add the olive oil, flour and salt, with the hook zipper start to combine on low speed, scrape the hook and and so raise to medium speed and knead for approximately five minutes or until yous have a smooth rubberband dough.
  • Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, encompass with plastic wrap and a large clean kitchen towel, leave in a warm draft- free place until doubled in bulk.
how to make pizza dough 4 photos, yeast in warm water, flour and dough risen
  • Dial the dough down a few times and split up into one -3 balls, let the dough rest for twenty minutes.
  • Place the dough in the desired pizza or cookie sheets (lightly oiled) and shape the dough into the desired shapes (using your make clean easily).
  • Meridian with your favourite toppings (without the cheese), bake for approximately 15-twenty minutes (until crust is gilt) and and then top with grated mozzarella cheese and broil for ii-3 more minutes or until the cheese has melted.

When I tasted a pizza made with this dough, I thought no matter how skillful the bakery dough was, it was now a thing of the by for me. That pizza made me determined to make my own pizza dough from so on.

Needless to say this pizza dough was one of those recipes that was passed downwardly for I can't tell you how many years. And trust me it is the best Pizza Dough. Yous can get in thin chaff or thick crust whatever suits you, then you can pinnacle it with whatever fresh ingredients you want.

Who invented it?

Information technology is thought that the Italian baker Raffaele Esposito from Naples was the first to make a "pizza pie". Although it is besides thought that streetvendors in Naples would sell flatbreads with toppings for many years before Raffaele.

Apparently the Italian King Umberto I and Queen Margherita visited Naples erstwhile in 1889. Esposito was asked to make a pizza for them. He proceeded to meridian the pizza with fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil. That pizza was named Pizza Margherita and of course is however extremely pop today.

What are the ingredients?

Since in that location are very few ingredients in Pizza Dough information technology is important that all the ingredients are good quality and active.

  • Water – Always use lukewarm water, make sure the temperature is between 98-105F (36-40C). Never use hot or you will kill the yeast and with cold water the yeast will accept forever to ascension.
  • Yeast – I like to apply active dry yeast but you could also use instant yeast, for every teaspoon of active dry yeast substitute with 3/iv teaspoon of instant.
  • Sugar -It is considered food for the yeast, which converts it to carbon dioxide and alcohol. It also helps raise the flavour of the pizza.
  • Olive Oil – It helps to tenderize the dough and add a wonderful flavour.
  • Flour – I unremarkably utilise all purpose or bread flour, you will need a flour that has at least 12% protein. Bread flour volition produce a chewier chaff.
  • Salt – Is necessary to add flavor to the dough.

What is the all-time flour for making Pizza Dough?

To tell the truth some people will swear by breadstuff flour, but I always utilise all purpose (11% protein or higher). It's not necessarily the flour but how you go almost making the pizza that counts! Although if you adopt bread flour so by all means use it!

Tomato & mozzarella pizza on a wooden board.

Make certain your Yeast is active

  • To first make sure your yeast is active,
  • In a small bowl add the h2o, make certain it is lukewarm (if it is too warm information technology will kill the yeast), then add a compression of saccharide to the water.
  • Sprinkle the yeast over the top, stir to combine, and then let it rest for about five minutes.
  • If the yeast is active it will dissolve in the water and the mixture volition bubble.
A slice of mushroom pizza on a wooden board.

How to flavour the dough

If you like to give your dough a bit of actress flavour so you can certainly add a couple of dashes of garlic or onion powder, or even oregano or basil or if the Italian had is mode a couple of good pinches of hot pepper flakes. Whisk them into the flour earlier calculation to the yeast mixture.

Unlike types of Pizza to make

With this Pizza Dough Recipe I made two large and ane small pizza. Sometimes I will brand an all veggie one, with fresh, halved, cherry tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms and onions.

Or I will sauté a couple of Italian sausage (casing removed) with sliced mushrooms, peppers and a small onion and place the mixture on a pureed lycopersicon esculentum sauce (with only a few spices and a piddling olive oil).

For the third pizza I top with chopped fresh tomatoes and sliced black olives and of form all the pizzas are topped with shredded firm mozzarella after they were broiled.

toppings for best pizza dough, stir fried veggies, fresh tomatoes and tomato sauce

How to brand and form the Dough

  • -When making Homemade Pizza Dough be sure to knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic.
  • -Let it rising in a lightly oiled bowl (make certain to turn the dough in the bowl so information technology gets covered lightly in oil), cover the basin with plastic wrap and a make clean big kitchen fabric.
  • -Place the bowl in a warm draft free area and permit it rise for well-nigh two hours.
  • -Always use olive oil.
Baked pizza on a wooden board.
  • -Once the dough has risen, carve up information technology into 2-3 rounds, brand certain to comprehend the rounds with the kitchen cloth and permit it rest for virtually 20-thirty minutes.
  • This way your dough will spread and not bound back when you try to fit it into the pan.
  • No knead to roll the dough with a rolling pin, clean hands piece of work best.

Why grease the dough before ascension?

Always identify information technology in a lightly oiled bowl and roll the dough to lightly cover it with oil first, the oil keeps from forming a crusty top on the dough and keeps is polish and soft.

How long do you knead information technology for?

Be certain to knead the dough until it is smoothen and elastic, approximately seven minutes by hand and 5 minute by auto. The dough tin exist kneaded past hand or by machine using the dough hook in your stand upwardly mixer. Practise not over-knead.

It'due south also best to stretch the dough gently with your finger tips rather than using a rolling pin. The air bubbles in the dough crusade the crust to exist light and airy, and that is exactly what you want.

What does Punching the dough down practice?

When you punch the dough down you are removing some of the gas bubbles that has been formed by the yeast while it was rising, which will produce a finer grain. This  also helps to relax the gluten which makes the dough easier to shape.

Can the Dough exist fabricated in advance?

The dough can certainly exist done in the fridge, overnight works perfectly. Prepare the dough, place in a lightly greased bowl, comprehend with plastic wrap and let rise overnight in the fridge.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and bring it to room temperature, about 30-threescore minutes, punch it down, and so divide it into 2 or iii parts, over again let it rest for about xx minutes, course into your preferred shape and peak as desired.

Sausage & arugula pizza on a brown paper.

How to know when it has risen enough?

With your knuckles or a couple of fingers brand an indentation in the dough, If the indentation disappears, the dough needs more time to rise. If the dent remains, the bread is ready to bake.

Why do you dial dough down?

Punching information technology down removes some of the gas bubbling which is formed past the yeast while the dough is rising. It also helps to relax the gluten which makes the dough easier to roll and or shape.

Does pizza dough need ii rises?

It doesn't need to ascension twice and this recipe is succulent with just a starting time rising. But if you are looking for something astonishing practise every bit a lot of Italian Pizza places practice and allow the first rise happen in the refrigerator overnight, bring the dough to room temperature xxx-45 minutes then punch it downward and allow ascension a second fourth dimension for most one hour.

Baked potato pizza.

Recipe FAQs

What is the difference between Pizza and Bread Dough?

The difference betwixt Pizza and Breadstuff dough is Pizza dough is made with a higher protein flour other than that they both use the same ingredients, yeast, flour, salt and water.

How to Freeze Pizza Dough

Let the dough rise before freezing, and then divide the dough into your desired pizza portions, place in closed freezer bags and freeze. Dough will last up to 3 months in the freezer.

How to thaw the dough

The frozen dough tin can be thawed overnight (eight hours) in the refrigerator. When ready to use, remove it from the refrigerator and bring it to room temperature, approximately 30-60 minutes on the counter volition exercise. Continue with the recipe from stride four. Or remove the frozen dough from the bag or container, then place it in a bowl with plenty room to allow it to expand, embrace it with plastic wrap. Allow it sit for a couple of hours, giving it time to thaw and rise. So information technology is set to use.

How to bake the best Pizza

Pizza should always exist broiled in a very hot oven 450F (250C). It's best to pinnacle your pizza let it cook then add together the shredded mozzarella cheese and broil until melted.

More than delicious Pizza Recipes

  • Easy Cast Fe Skillet Pizza
  • Sourdough Pizza Dough Recipe
  • Homemade Fresh Tomato Pizza
  • White Pizza Recipe / Pizza Bianca

Then however you lot like your pizza, thick crust, thin crust, double cheese, veggie or pepperoni I hope yous try it with this pizza dough. Buon Appetito!

Pizza with olives in the pan.

All-time Pizza Dough

Best Pizza Dough, an easy, homemade pizza dough recipe that will become your favorite get to for pizza night.  Thick or thin crust you decide.

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Course Main Dish

Cuisine Italian

Prep Time 2 hours

Cook Fourth dimension 25 minutes

Total Time two hours 25 minutes

Servings 10 servings

Calories 265 kcal

  • 2 cups lukewarm water (480 grams)
  • 1 pinch saccharide
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons active dry yeast
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 5 1/4 cups all purpose flour or bread flour (685 grams)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • In the bowl of your stand up mixer (or a large basin if you knead past paw) add the warm water and sugar, sprinkle the yeast on tiptop, permit sit for 5-10 minutes, then stir to combine. Continue with Auto or Paw.


  • Add the olive oil, flour and common salt, with the hook attachment kickoff to combine on low speed #ane, scrape the hook and and so heighten to medium speed #2 and knead for approximately 5-7 minutes or until y'all have a polish elastic dough (scrape the hook halfway through kneading).


  • Add the olive oil, flour and common salt, so with a fork mix until the dough starts to come up together. On a lightly floured surface remove dough from the basin and knead until dough is smooth and elastic approximately 10 minutes (if dough is really sticky add a little extra flour).

Adjacent STEPS

  • Identify in a lightly oiled bowl, whorl the dough to cover lightly with the oil, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and a big clean kitchen towel, go out in a warm draft free area until doubled in majority, approximately 2 hours.**

  • Pre rut oven to 450° (250° celsius). Punch dough downwards a few times and dissever into 1-3 assurance, permit dough residuum for 20 minutes.

  • Place the dough in the desired pizza or cookie sheets (lightly oiled) and shape the dough into the desired shapes (using your clean hands).

  • Top with your favourite toppings (without the cheese), broil for approximately 15-20 minutes (until crust is golden) and then top with grated mozzarella cheese and broil for three more minutes or until cheese is melted. Bask!

  • **At this signal, dough can also exist refrigerated, place in plastic handbag, remove air and tie securely up to 24 hours.

Piece of cake PIZZA SAUCE

  • In a medium bowl add a tin of diced or pureed tomatoes, add 1 teaspoon oregano, ane teaspoon basil, a sprinkle of salt, tablespoon or two of olive oil and stir to combine.  Tiptop pizza dough.


  • Chop fresh tomatoes (15-20 grape or cherry-red or 3-4 roma tomatoes)if you lot apply roma tomatoes then remove the seeds, toss with i teaspoon oregano, 1 teaspoon basil (or even v-half dozen fresh basil leaves chopped) i-2 pinches salt and a tablespoon or two of olive oil.


  • In a medium frying pan add Italian sausage (casing removed and chopped) and fry until starting to brown, add thinly sliced, onion, pepper and mushrooms and a drizzle of olive oil, i/ii teaspoon oregano, basil, table salt and pepper to sense of taste, melt on medium for approximately x minutes. Utilize as topping for pizza (on the sauce and so bake).

If using instant yeast instead of agile dry use 3 teaspoons of instant yeast. In the bowl of the mixer add the flour, yeast and sugar and combine, then add the water and oil, beginning to mix with the dough hook and add the common salt, continue to knead for near eight-x and continue with the recipe.

When using active dry out yeast your dough may rise a little quicker then continue your middle on it.

If you have a fan-assisted oven, then you lot can lower the oven temperature by 50 degrees F (or twenty degrees C).

Calories: 265 kcal | Carbohydrates: 50 g | Poly peptide: seven 1000 | Fat: iii grand | Sodium: 1048 mg | Potassium: 75 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Calcium: ten mg | Atomic number 26: 3 mg

Republished from January six, 2016.

How To Make Great Pizza,


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