
How Much Does The President's Chief Of Staff Make

American Presidential appointee

White Firm Chief of Staff

Ron Klain, White House Chief of Staff.jpg

Ron Klain

since January twenty, 2021

Executive Office of the President
White House Role
Reports to President of the Usa
Appointer President of the United States
Formation 1946 (Assistant to the President)
1961 (White House Principal of Staff)
First holder John R. Steelman

The White Firm master of staff position is the successor to the before role of the secretarial assistant to the president of the Usa. The role was formalized every bit the assistant to the president in 1946 and acquired its current title in 1961. The current official title is assistant to the president and chief of staff.

The chief of staff is a political appointee of the president of the Us who does not require Senate confirmation, and who serves at the pleasure of the President. While not a legally required part, all presidents since Richard Nixon have appointed a chief of staff.

In the administration of Joe Biden, the current chief of staff is Ron Klain, who succeeded Marker Meadows on Jan twenty, 2021. The principal of staff is the well-nigh senior political appointee in the White House, and holds Yankee White security clearance. This is the highest level of clearance in the United States government, allowing the chief of staff access to highly classified national security issues. The position is widely recognized equally one of not bad power and influence, attributable to daily contact with the president of the United States and control of the Executive Part of the President of the United States.

History [edit]

The duties and responsibilities of the White Business firm chief of staff vary from one assistants to another and, in fact, at that place is no legal requirement that the president even fill the position. However, since at least 1979, all presidents have found the need for a chief of staff, who typically oversees the actions of the White House staff, manages the president's daily schedule, and decides who is allowed to see with the president. Due to these core duties, the primary of staff has at various times been labeled "the president's gatekeeper".

Originally, the duties now performed past the master of staff belonged to the president's individual secretary and were fulfilled by crucial confidantes and policy advisers such as George B. Cortelyou, Joseph Tumulty, and Louis McHenry Howe to presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt, respectively.[1] The private secretary served as the president'south de facto chief aide, in a role that combined personal and professional assignments of highly frail and demanding natures, requiring great skill and utmost discretion.[ii] The job of gatekeeper and overseeing the president'due south schedule was separately delegated to the appointments secretary, equally with adjutant Edwin "Pa" Watson.

From 1933 to 1939, as he greatly expanded the scope of the federal government's policies and powers in response to the Peachy Depression, President Roosevelt relied on his famous 'Brain Trust' of top advisers. Although working direct for the president, they were often appointed to vacant positions in federal agencies and departments, whence they drew their salaries since the White House lacked statutory or budgetary potency to create staff positions. Information technology was not until 1939, during Roosevelt'southward 2d term in office, that the foundations of the modern White Firm staff were created using a formal structure. Roosevelt was able to persuade Congress to approve the creation of the Executive Office of the President, which would report directly to the president. During World War II, Roosevelt created the position of "Chief of Staff to the Commander-in-Chief" for his chief armed services adviser, Armada Admiral William D. Leahy.

In 1946, in response to the rapid growth of the U.S. government's executive co-operative, the position of "Banana to the President of the U.s.a." was established. Charged with the affairs of the White House, information technology was the immediate predecessor to the modernistic chief of staff. It was in 1953, under Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower, that the president's preeminent assistant was designated the "White Business firm Master of Staff".

Assistant to the president became a rank mostly shared by the primary of staff along with the other most senior presidential aides such every bit the White House counsel, the White House press secretary, and others. This new system did not take hold of on immediately however. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson still relied on their appointments secretaries instead, and it was non until the Nixon assistants that the master of staff took over maintenance of the President's schedule. This concentration of power in the Nixon and Ford White House (whose last main of staff was Dick Cheney) led presidential candidate Jimmy Carter to campaign in 1976 with the promise that he would not appoint a chief of staff. And indeed, for the first two and a half years of his presidency, he appointed no ane to the mail.[iii] [4]

The average tenure for a White Firm chief of staff is a niggling more than 18 months.[five] The inaugural master of staff, John R. Steelman, nether Harry Due south. Truman, was the president's only chief of staff; Kenneth O'Donnell alone served in the position during John F. Kennedy'due south unfinished term of 34 months in office. Andrew Bill of fare and Denis McDonough each served at least one unabridged presidential term of part under presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, respectively.

Many White Business firm chiefs of staff are quondam politicians, and continue their political careers subsequently their stint in the White House. Lyndon Johnson'southward primary of staff W. Marvin Watson became the Postmaster Full general later in the term. Richard Nixon's principal of staff Alexander Haig, a U.Southward. Ground forces officer with his capstone military position being CINCUSEUCOM/SACEUR, later on became Secretarial assistant of State nether Ronald Reagan. Cheney after became a congressman for Wyoming, Secretary of Defense under George H. W. Bush and vice president in the George W. Bush assistants. Donald Rumsfeld was another principal of staff for Ford and later on served every bit secretary of defense both in the Ford administration and decades afterward in the George W. Bush administration. Rahm Emanuel left a senior leadership position in the Firm of Representatives to go Barack Obama's start main of staff and subsequently became Mayor of Chicago. Jack Lew, President Obama'south quaternary chief of staff, was later on appointed secretary of the treasury.

Role [edit]

Chris Whipple, author of The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency, loosely describes the role of a White House chief of staff through his interview with former president Barack Obama: "During the final days of his presidency, Barack Obama observed: '1 of the things I've learned is that the large breakthroughs are typically the result of a lot of grunt piece of work—just a whole lot of blocking and tackling.' Grunt piece of work is what chiefs of staff do."[5]

The responsibilities of the chief of staff are both managerial and advisory and may include the following:

  • Selecting senior White House staffers and supervising their offices' activities;
  • Managing and designing the overall structure of the White House staff system;
  • Control the flow of people into the Oval Office;
  • Manage the menstruation of information to and decisions from the Resolute Desk-bound (with the White House staff secretary);
  • Directing, managing and overseeing all policy development
  • Protecting the political interests of the president;
  • Negotiating legislation and appropriating funds with United States Congress leaders, Cabinet secretaries, and extra-governmental political groups to implement the president'southward agenda; and
  • Advise on any and usually various bug set by the president.[5]

These responsibilities have recently extended to firing of senior staff members. In the case of Omarosa Manigault Newman, who published a tape she declared was made in the Situation Room of her firing by Chief of Staff John Kelly, the chief of staff said that his decision for her departure was non-negotiable and that "the staff and anybody on the staff works for me and not the president."[six]

Richard Nixon's kickoff chief of staff, H. R. Haldeman, garnered a reputation in Washington for the fe paw he wielded in the position—famously referring to himself equally "the president'south son-of-a-bitch", he was a rigid gatekeeper who would frequently run across with assistants officials in place of the president, and then report himself to Nixon on the officials' talking points. Journalist Bob Woodward, in his books All the President's Men and The Secret Man, wrote that many of his sources, including Mark Felt. later revealed as "Deep Pharynx", displayed a 18-carat fear of Haldeman.[7] [8]

List of White House chiefs of staff [edit]

No. Portrait Chief of Staff Took office Left office Fourth dimension in role Political party President

John Steelman

Steelman, John John Steelman
December 12, 1946 January twenty, 1953 6 years, 39 days Democratic Truman, HarryHarry Due south Truman (Autonomous)
(1945 – 1953)

Sherman Adams

Adams, Sherman Sherman Adams
January twenty, 1953 October 7, 1958 five years, 260 days Republican Eisenhower, DwightDwight D. Eisenhower (Republican)
(1953 – 1961)

Wilton Persons

Persons, Wilton Wilton Persons
October seven, 1958 January 20, 1961 ii years, 105 days Republican Eisenhower, DwightDwight D. Eisenhower (Republican)
(1953 – 1961)

Kenneth O'Donnell

O'Donnell, Kenneth Kenneth O'Donnell
January 20, 1961 November 22, 1963 2 years, 306 days Democratic Kennedy, JohnJohn F. Kennedy (Autonomous)
(1961 – 1963)

Marvin Watson

Watson, Marvin Marvin Watson
Feb 1, 1965 April 26, 1968 iii years, 85 days Democratic Johnson, LyndonLyndon B. Johnson (Democratic)
(1963 – 1969)

James R. Jones

Jones, James James R. Jones
(born 1939)
April 26, 1968 January 20, 1969 269 days Democratic Johnson, LyndonLyndon B. Johnson (Democratic)
(1963 – 1969)

H. R. Haldeman

Haldeman, Harry H. R. Haldeman
January twenty, 1969 April 30, 1973 iv years, 100 days Republican Nixon, RichardRichard Nixon (Republican)
(1969 – 1974)
April 30, 1973 – May 4, 1973 (4 days)

Alexander Haig

Haig, Alexander Alexander Haig
May four, 1973 September 21, 1974 1 year, 140 days Republican Nixon, RichardRichard Nixon (Republican)
(1969 – 1974)
Gerald Ford (Republican)
(1974 – 1977)

Donald Rumsfeld

Rumsfeld, Donald Donald Rumsfeld
September 21, 1974 Nov 20, 1975 1 twelvemonth, 60 days Republican Ford, GeraldGerald Ford (Republican)
(1974 – 1977)

Dick Cheney

Cheney, Dick Dick Cheney
(born 1941)
November 20, 1975 January 20, 1977 i year, 61 days Republican Ford, GeraldGerald Ford (Republican)
(1974 – 1977)
January 20, 1977 – July eighteen, 1979 (2 years, 179 days)

Hamilton Jordan

Jordan, Hamilton Hamilton Jordan
July eighteen, 1979 June 11, 1980 329 days Democratic Carter, JimmyJimmy Carter (Democratic)
(1977 – 1981)

Jack Watson

Watson, Jack Jack Watson
(born 1938)
June eleven, 1980 January 20, 1981 223 days Democratic Carter, JimmyJimmy Carter (Democratic)
(1977 – 1981)

James Baker

Bakery, James James Bakery
(born 1930)
January 20, 1981 February 4, 1985 iv years, fifteen days Republican Reagan, RonaldRonald Reagan (Republican)
(1981 – 1989)

Donald Regan

Regan, Donald Donald Regan
February 4, 1985 February 27, 1987 2 years, 23 days Republican Reagan, RonaldRonald Reagan (Republican)
(1981 – 1989)

Howard Baker

Baker, Howard Howard Baker
February 27, 1987 July 1, 1988 one year, 125 days Republican Reagan, RonaldRonald Reagan (Republican)
(1981 – 1989)

Kenneth Duberstein

Duberstein, Kenneth Kenneth Duberstein
July 1, 1988 January 20, 1989 203 days Republican Reagan, RonaldRonald Reagan (Republican)
(1981 – 1989)

John Sununu

Sununu, John John Sununu
(born 1939)
Jan twenty, 1989 December 16, 1991 2 years, 330 days Republican Bush-league, GeorgeGeorge H. W. Bush-league (Republican)
(1989 – 1993)

Samuel Skinner

Skinner, Samuel Samuel Skinner
(built-in 1938)
Dec 16, 1991 August 23, 1992 251 days Republican Bush, GeorgeGeorge H. W. Bush (Republican)
(1989 – 1993)

James Baker

Baker, James James Bakery
(born 1930)
August 23, 1992 January xx, 1993 150 days Republican Bush, GeorgeGeorge H. Westward. Bush-league (Republican)
(1989 – 1993)

Mack McLarty

McLarty, Mack Mack McLarty
(born 1946)
January 20, 1993 July 17, 1994 1 yr, 178 days Democratic Clinton, BillBill Clinton (Democratic)
(1993 – 2001)

Leon Panetta

Panetta, Leon Leon Panetta
(born 1938)
July 17, 1994 January xx, 1997 two years, 187 days Democratic Clinton, NebNib Clinton (Autonomous)
(1993 – 2001)

Erskine Bowles

Bowles, Erskine Erskine Bowles
(born 1945)
Jan 20, 1997 October twenty, 1998 i year, 273 days Democratic Clinton, BillNeb Clinton (Democratic)
(1993 – 2001)

John Podesta

Podesta, John John Podesta
(born 1949)
October 20, 1998 Jan 20, 2001 two years, 92 days Democratic Clinton, BeakBill Clinton (Democratic)
(1993 – 2001)

Andrew Card

Menu, Andrew Andrew Bill of fare
(born 1947)
January 20, 2001 Apr 14, 2006 5 years, 84 days Republican Bush-league, GeorgeGeorge W. Bush (Republican)
(2001 – 2009)

Joshua Bolten

Bolten, Joshua Joshua Bolten
(born 1954)
April xiv, 2006 Jan 20, 2009 ii years, 281 days Republican Bush-league, GeorgeGeorge W. Bush (Republican)
(2001 – 2009)

Rahm Emanuel

Emanuel, Rahm Rahm Emanuel
(born 1959)
January 20, 2009 Oct 1, 2010 ane year, 254 days Democratic Obama, BarackBarack Obama (Democratic)
(2009 – 2017)

Pete Rouse

Rouse, Pete Pete Rouse
(born 1946)
Oct 1, 2010 January thirteen, 2011 104 days Democratic Obama, BarackBarack Obama (Democratic)
(2009 – 2017)

Bill Daley

Daley, William Bill Daley
(born 1948)
January thirteen, 2011 January 27, 2012 1 twelvemonth, 14 days Autonomous Obama, BarackBarack Obama (Democratic)
(2009 – 2017)

Jack Lew

Lew, Jack Jack Lew
(born 1955)
January 27, 2012 January 20, 2013 359 days Autonomous Obama, BarackBarack Obama (Democratic)
(2009 – 2017)

Denis McDonough

McDonough, Denis Denis McDonough
(born 1969)
January 20, 2013 January 20, 2017 4 years, 0 days Democratic Obama, BarackBarack Obama (Autonomous)
(2009 – 2017)

Reince Priebus

Priebus, Reince Reince Priebus
(born 1972)
January 20, 2017 July 31, 2017 192 days Republican Trump, DonaldDonald Trump (Republican)
(2017 – 2021)

John F. Kelly

Kelly, John John F. Kelly
(born 1950)
July 31, 2017 January 2, 2019 i year, 154 days Independent Trump, DonaldDonald Trump (Republican)
(2017 – 2021)

Mick Mulvaney

Mulvaney, Mick Mick Mulvaney
(born 1967)
January two, 2019 March 31, 2020 ane twelvemonth, 89 days Republican Trump, DonaldDonald Trump (Republican)
(2017 – 2021)

Mark Meadows

Meadows, Marker Marker Meadows
(born 1959)
March 31, 2020 January 20, 2021 295 days Republican Trump, DonaldDonald Trump (Republican)
(2017 – 2021)

Ron Klain

Klain, Ron Ron Klain
(born 1961)
January 20, 2021 Incumbent 1 year, 62 days Autonomous Biden, JoeJoe Biden (Democratic)
(since 2021)

Meet besides [edit]

  • White Firm Deputy Primary of Staff
  • Principal of Staff to the Vice President of the U.s.
  • Officer of the United States
  • Staff and line

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ a b c De facto, as Appointments Secretarial assistant.
  2. ^ Pete Rouse served equally advertising acting White Business firm Chief of Staff following the resignation of Rahm Emanuel and until the appointment of Bill Daley.

References [edit]

  1. ^ "New Quarters". Time. Dec 17, 1934. Archived from the original on January 20, 2009. Retrieved May 8, 2008.
  2. ^ "An Appointment". Time. August 20, 1923. Archived from the original on December 22, 2008. Retrieved May 9, 2009.
  3. ^ "Hamilton Hashemite kingdom of jordan, Carter's Right Hand, Dies at 63". The New York Times. May 21, 2008. Retrieved March 7, 2016.
  4. ^ Michael Nelson (2013). The Presidency and the Political Arrangement. SAGE Publications. p. 351. ISBN9781483322896 . Retrieved March 7, 2016.
  5. ^ a b c Whipple, Chris. (2017). The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency. New York: Crown Publishing Grouping.
  6. ^ "Transcript". CNN. August xiii, 2018.
  7. ^ Woodward, Bob; Bernstein, Carl. (1974) All the President's Men. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-671-21781-5
  8. ^ Woodward, Bob. (2005). The Secret Man. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-7432-8715-0


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